Sunday, 25 September 2011

Why Facebook's 'Frictionless Sharing' violates HTTP

Facebook has this new feature, whereby the act of simply reading a web page, under certain conditions, gets it posted to your news feed, for your friends to see. Here's how ReadWriteWeb puts it
With these apps you're automatically sending anything you read into your Facebook news feed. No "read" button. No clicking a "like" or "recommend" button. As soon as you click through to an article you are deemed to have "read" it and all of your Facebook friends and subscribers will hear about it. That could potentially cause you embarrassment and it will certainly add greatly to the noise of your Facebook experience. 
Facebook calls this 'frictionless sharing'. This has raised all sorts of ‘creepy’ flags, and rightfully so. A big reason for this is that it breaks a fundamental contract of web interaction, in place since the beginnings of the web, that users have come to rely upon. This contract is the fact that merely browsing a webpage (Executing a GET in HTTP talk) should not cause effects that you, the visitor, are responsible for. Posting to your news feed is a side-effect, is a direct side-effect of your reading the article. You take no extra step to authorize this. 

This violates a convention that is not there by accident. The HTTP Specification defines GET as a ‘safe’ operation, with certain guarantees. This line has been skirted for a very long time, but never by a company of this size, so publicly, and so blatantly. This is what the HTTP Spec has to say on the matter: 
9.1.1 Safe Methods
Implementors should be aware that the software represents the user in their interactions over the Internet, and should be careful to allow the user to be aware of any actions they might take which may have an unexpected significance to themselves or others. In particular, the convention has been established that the GET and HEAD methods SHOULD NOT have the significance of taking an action other than retrieval. These methods ought to be considered "safe". 
[…] Naturally, it is not possible to ensure that the server does not generate side-effects as a result of performing a GET request; in fact, some dynamic resources consider that a feature. The important distinction here is that the user did not request the side-effects, so therefore cannot be held accountable for them. (emphasis mine) 
I don’t think it gets any clearer than that. It’s as if the HTTP committee had looked into the future and was personally addressing Mr. Zuckerberg. Now, the HTTP spec has no teeth. There is no enforcement body that goes around and metes out fines and punishment to the violators. It is a gentlemen’s agreement and the contract that good citizens of the web should keep. As such, I think it merits at least a mention when large companies find new and ‘frictionless’ ways to undermine the foundation upon which they (and everyone else) is building on.

Update: A number of people are pointing out the fact that the user authorizes the side effects by installing the app on facebook. However, I assume Facebook also agrees to the HTTP Spec by implementing it. Does getting user authorization allow you to violate HTTP? I don't see any such language in the spec. I think the safeness of GET is one of those rights that you shouldn't be able to give away, even if you wanted to, as doing so undermines the web for everyone else.

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Sunday, 18 September 2011

Three times Google’s ‘strategy’ got in the way of success: Skype, GDrive, Google+

I just finished reading Sriram Krishnan’s excellent post 'Don’t be so f*king strategic' and couldn’t stop thinking that this must have infected Google as it had Microsoft.

Here are three times when the public learned of missteps of Google that were somehow related to a grand strategy of the company:


This is documented in Steven Levy’s book ‘In The Plex’ and the author has a more specific blog post on the issue. What is comes down to is this: Someone at Google thought, and was able to convince the higher-ups, that peer-to-peer is old technology, not consistent with their cloud model, so Skype was worthless to them. The fact that this someone was from a product group that would have to compete with Skype internally goes unmentioned, but what is important is to see that Google in 2009 passed up the opportunity to buy Skype for a fraction of what Microsoft paid for it in 2011. Skype is now integrated with Facebook.

GDrive / Dropbox 

Drew Houston worried in his YCombinator application that Google would launch GDrive any day. It turns out Google didn’t and Dropbox is a billion dollar company today. Why? In The Plex has this to say ( The Google Docs team was able to convince the higher ups that files didn’t make sense in the cloud. File systems were a thing of the past and so GDrive was abandoned almost complete, the engineers sent to work on Chrome. It turns out that files aren’t quite as dead yet, and Google Docs itself now allows you to upload them. Recent rumours say that GDrive may have been resurrected and is getting launched, this time in a much more crowded space with credible independent competition.


The latest news is that Google+ is showing signs of decline. The causality here is not as strongly established, but the early demographic has not been happy with their real names policy. When I found out they were enforcing this policy, I was in disbelief. Surely when you’re entering a new market, you want to be friendlier than the competition, you want to be welcoming to those who were disenfranchised from your competitor. Google proceeded to shoot itself in the foot by affecting other services that the blocked users were on, shutting out ethnic groups that did not have names with a western structure, people who are known by a name that is not their legal name, as well as those who preferred to remain anonymous for security reasons. The statements coming out of the GooglePlex were to the effect that 'Google+ is not for everyone', and that they can't fight all the battles all the time. This is bizarre behaviour on its face, and I've learned that when smart people behave in ways which appear outright incompetent, there's usually higher level considerations at play. It turns out that Google sees Plus as an ‘identity service’, a part in a grand strategy we’re not privy to (but can make guesses about). To put this in plain terms, Google is jeopardizing their bet-the-company move to attack a competitor because they have some masterplan that may or may not be what users want in the long run.

This is three times when Google let their ‘strategy’ get in the way of success as far as we know. I’m sure more are known to the insiders. I hope this has documented what I’ve been seeing watching one of my favourite companies display a fondness for footguns. Here's my unsolicited advice to Google: Stop being so f*cking strategic and just focus on building the world’s coolest technology, what people love you for, before you end up boring like facebook.